Not everyone knows what a protein diet is. You have decided to lose weight, set a goal, but are wondering which diet is right for you? You've heard a lot about coffee, fruit, carbohydrate and protein diets, but what are they and what do you "eat" with? We will analyze in detail all types of protein diets. After that, you will know whether it is worth starting a protein dietTo try weight loss or not.

proteins, fats and carbohydrates
The right use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the right proportion is the basis of a healthy diet. Nowadays, people are often not even aware of the extent to which their diet does not correspond to the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle. You begin to understand, and it turns out that almost 60% of the diet consists of all sorts of "garbage". A person believes that cutlets and sausages are meat, and light mayonnaise is just a harmless sauce, and it's good if thatWeight simply stands still and does not quickly fly up, so let's figure out right away what is useful and what is not.
This is the building material of our body, which ensures the formation of the muscular corset. Protein is found in both animal (e. g. seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products) and plant (mushrooms, nuts, soy products, legumes) foods. These foods will be on the protein diet menu for very quick weight loss.
If proteins are building blocks, then fats are a source of vitality. Healthy, strong nails, beautiful hair, of course, the result of a high-fat diet. But there will be a small note: not all fats are that good. Let's conditionally divide them into useful and harmful.
The first include fish oil, olive and linseed oil, oil extracts from nuts, seeds. Too harmful - milk fat (dairy products) and animal meat. In the menu of the protein diet for weight loss prepared for the week, they will also be included, but in different quantities.
Of course it is an energy source. Carbohydrates are complex and simple. The former include grains: buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, as well as pasta, but mainly from durum wheat. All sweets, pastries will "go" to the second: buns, pancakes, cakes, candies and more.
A protein diet includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Important to know: The majority will of course be the protein-containing food, whether of plant or animal origin, that is entirely up to you.

If you have a detailed menu of protein foods for weight loss every day, it will be easier to endure all the hardships of the diet. An approximate diet is given in the table below.
weekday |
breakfast |
snack |
dinner |
snack |
dinner |
Mon |
Toast with chicken breast and salad, boiled egg without yolk + black coffee (without milk and sugar) |
vegetable salad |
Grilled chicken breast fillet with vegetable salad |
Low-fat yogurt + apple |
Chicken breast steak with braised vegetables |
Tue |
Scrambled eggs (white only) + spinach |
Grapefruit |
Vegetable salad with shrimp, black coffee + carrot sticks |
Low-fat drinking yoghurt |
Salmon fillet with stewed vegetables |
Marry |
Fat-free cottage cheese + a spoonful of honey, black coffee + boiled egg without yolk (2 pieces) |
orange |
Turkey fillet (grilled) + vegetable salad |
Low-fat yogurt + apple |
Braised Chicken Breast + Braised Vegetables |
Do. |
Spinach and egg white omelet + black coffee + whole grain toast with chicken breast and salad |
Apple |
Lentil soup (serving should be 200 grams) + wholemeal toast |
lean cheese |
Braised chicken breast in tomato sauce + fresh vegetables |
Mrs. |
Fat-free cottage cheese + apple (can be grated) + black coffee and a couple of boiled eggs without yolks |
Black coffee + carrot sticks |
Wholemeal pasta (150 grams) + tofu cheese + vegetables |
low-fat yoghurt |
Grilled chicken breast + vegetables |
sat |
Oatmeal on the water (60 g) + boiled egg without yolk + black coffee |
Grapefruit |
Salad with cooked seafood + whole grain toast |
Low-fat drinking yoghurt |
Steamed zander fillet + braised vegetables |
Sun. |
Omelette with spinach (possible with egg yolk) + black coffee |
pear |
Chicken noodles in breast broth (serving 250 g) + fresh vegetable salad |
Black coffee + carrot sticks |
Grilled chicken breast + steamed vegetables |
A protein diet for weight loss with such a menu for a week is an excellent boost to speed up metabolism and will not let you starve.
How to calculate the required amount of feed
Calculation based on the example of a person weighing 60 kg. The required amount of protein is 2 grams per kg of body weight. So if you multiply 60kg by 2 grams, you get 120 grams of protein needed per day. Depending on the type of protein, the required amount of feed is also calculated.

Below is a table of protein products used in the menu in order to conveniently calculate their required amount.
type of protein food |
Number of grams of protein per 100g of product weight |
Chicken breast |
23. 6 |
turkey breast |
30. 1 |
chicken protein |
eleven |
shrimp |
18. 3 |
salmon fillets |
twenty |
lean cheese |
ten |
mussels |
8/23 |
tofu cheese |
ten |
zander fillet |
18. 6 |
squids |
fifteen |
We don't count vegetables, we eat them in unlimited quantities. In order for the protein diet to be extremely effective, you need to drink 1, 5 or even 2 liters of pure water per day. For soups and carbohydrate dishes, the menu indicates the amount that needs to be eaten at once.
The next option for a protein diet may be the so-called protein-carbohydrate alternation, or BOOK.
How to alternate proteins and carbohydrates

Protein-carb switching is a fairly effective protein diet for weight loss. Its importance lies in the consistent use of protein and carbohydrate products in the diet. On protein days, the body begins to experience a fairly severe energy deficit and will produce it by burning body fat, but to prevent the inclusion of an "emergency mode" with a protein diet, carbohydrates are added to replenish all energy reserves.
This change does not create a feeling of weakness, does not cause dizziness or aggressiveness. The diet is simple, the weight is gradually reduced.
The meal plan for this week differs from the usual protein diet in that on a given day you can eat either proteins or carbohydrates. The only thing that we constantly add to food is fat, but in a very small amount, necessary only to maintain metabolic processes in the body. Such a protein diet for weight loss with a daily menu below can be very interesting and tasty.
Example menu for BOOK
Eating a protein diet for weight loss, alternating carbohydrates and proteins, looks like this:
Mon. (protein day):
- Breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese (200 g) with cinnamon (optional) + black coffee;
- Snack: Egg white omelet with spinach and cooked seafood;
- Lunch: Tuna fillet with braised vegetables + fresh cucumber and celery salad;
- Snack: carrot sticks and celery sticks + black coffee;
- Dinner: warm seafood salad.
Tue(protein day):
- Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs with Spinach + Black Coffee;
- Snack: boiled egg without yolk + fermented baked milk (120 ml);
- Lunch: grilled chicken breast fillet + braised vegetables + fresh cucumber and tomato salad;
- Snack: natural yoghurt (120 ml) + apple or pear;
- Dinner: grilled chicken breast fillet + braised vegetables + fresh cucumber and tomato salad.
Marry (carbohydrate day):
- Breakfast: oatmeal (60 g) with a spoonful of honey + black coffee;
- Snack: wholemeal bread with no added sugar (no more than 50 g);
- Lunch: buckwheat noodles (150 g) + steamed vegetables;
- Snack: stewed zucchini (200 g);
- dinner: brown or brown rice (100 g) with stewed vegetables + fresh cucumber and tomato salad.
Thursday (protein day):
- Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (200 g) with cinnamon (optional) + black coffee + boiled egg without yolk;
- Snack: fermented baked milk (120 ml);
- Lunch: warm salad with tuna;
- Snack: carrot sticks and celery sticks + black coffee;
- Dinner: steamed tuna fillet with vegetables.
Fri. (protein day):
- Breakfast: Whipped egg white omelet with spinach + black coffee;
- Snack: low-fat natural yoghurt (120 ml) + apple;
- Lunch: grilled chicken breast fillet + fresh vegetable salad;
- Snack: carrot and celery sticks + black coffee + boiled egg without yolk;
- dinner: grilled chicken breast + braised vegetables + fresh vegetable salad.
Sat (carbohydrate day):
- Breakfast: oatmeal (60 g) with a handful of berries + black coffee;
- Snack: Apple, pear and orange fruit salad;
- Lunch: Udon noodles (150 g) with vegetables;
- Snack: wholemeal bread (no more than 50 g) + black coffee;
- Dinner: brown or brown rice (100 g) with vegetables.
Sun. (protein day):
- Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (200 g) + boiled egg without yolk + black coffee;
- Snack: fermented baked milk (120 ml);
- Lunch: Chicken breast fillet with braised vegetables + fresh cucumber and tomato salad;
- Snack: carrot sticks + black coffee;
- Dinner: steamed turkey breast fillet with vegetables.
For the convenience of calculating products, you can use the same table as in the menu above:
type of protein food |
Number of grams of protein per 100g of product weight |
Chicken breast |
23. 6 |
turkey breast |
30. 1 |
chicken protein |
eleven |
shrimp |
18. 3 |
salmon fillets |
twenty |
lean cheese |
ten |
mussels |
8/23 |
tofu cheese |
ten |
zander fillet |
18. 6 |
squids |
fifteen |
tuna fillet |
22. 3 |
The calculation is only for proteins, we do not count vegetables, for the rest of the product category the amount in grams is given directly on the menu. The drinking water rule remains the same - 1. 5 liters of water per day, preferably 2 liters.
It is undesirable to change the provided protein diet menu, but it is necessary to adhere to the indicated order in days and meals.
Prerequisite: take 1 tablespoon of linseed oil on an empty stomach before having breakfast.
It is recommended not to follow this protein diet for more than 21 days, then you can keep the alternation of carbohydrate and protein days, but in a very "sparing" mode: this means that after you have distributed the body's metabolic capabilities, It isallowed to eat carbohydrates on the day of protein, and protein - carbohydrates in small quantities.
Among the readers, there are probably those who want to get an instant result from the diet. That's only possible with Cutting: a high-protein diet for weight loss. This diet option will bear fruit very quickly, but there is one "but": such a diet is dangerous because of its lightning-fast changes in the natural course of metabolism and entails consequences associated with the possibility of rapid weight gain after leaving the diet. with large losses of macro and micronutrients, intestinal diseases etc.
The drying menu includes products that are good for losing weight, but not enough to maintain the proper functioning of the body as a whole. Most often, athletes preparing for competitions turn to this type of protein diet for weight loss. It's quite harsh and categorical, the diet is extremely scarce and monotonous, so the risk of a breakdown increases sharply, and you need to be prepared for this.

drying products
Protein diet menu for losing weight for the whole week:
- Breakfast: boiled chicken fillet + boiled buckwheat (80 grams) + black coffee or cod fillet + boiled buckwheat + black coffee.
- Snack: a few cucumbers.
- Lunch: grilled chicken fillet with vegetables or grilled cod fillet with vegetables.
- Snack: Vegetable salad (fresh cucumber, celery, lettuce), tomatoes are not allowed.
- Dinner: grilled chicken fillet with vegetables or grilled cod fillet with vegetables.
With this type of protein diet, both grilled and stewed foods are allowed. You can't fry!
In the protein menu, it is acceptable to replace the main product with turkey fillet, as well as for low-fat varieties of fish, if you do not eat meat. Once again we draw your attention to the fact that this diet is quite extreme and is suitable for a maximum of 10-14 days (the weight loss menu must be used from above). If you practice this protein diet for weight loss, you must weigh all the risks wisely.
Diet of the French doctor Pierre Dukan

This protein diet is divided into phases, of which there are four in total:
- Attack.
- Cruise.
- consolidation.
- Stabilization.
Next will be an example of a protein diet for weight loss with a menu for a week, and now in more detail about the stages:
- attack
The very first and most difficult phase of the diet. The main place in the diet is occupied by protein products, with the exception of 1. 5 tablespoons of oat bran per day, as well as onions, garlic and spices. The number of days in the "attack" is determined by the amount of excess weight:
Number of days
Up to 5kg
5 to 10
more than 10
- cruise (alternating)
This differs from the first stage in that vegetables (any non-starchy) are added to the diet and protein days are alternated with protein vegetable days according to the scheme: 1 after 1 day, 3 after 3 or 5 after 5, when overweight more than 10kg, however, the change schedule is only 5 in 5 days. At this stage, you need to consume 2 tablespoons of oat bran per day.
The duration of the phase is determined by the number of kilograms lost in 1 phase. For example, if 1 kg is "left", the duration is 10 days, if 2 kg is 20 days, etc.
- Consolidation (Consolidation)
The third phase of the diet is necessary to consolidate the weight that has been achieved. One day per week stays pure protein. Now you can add small amounts of potatoes, pasta and rice to the diet (but no more than 2 days a week) and eat one fruit every day (except for cherries, grapes and bananas). You can also eat any product (including sweets) 2 times a week, but only instead of one of the meals.
The duration of the phase is calculated similarly to the previous one: if 1 kg is "left", then we stick to this phase for 10 days, if - 2 kg, then 20 days, etc.
- stabilization
At the fourth stage, the desired weight is already established and it is necessary to return to a normal diet. Over the entire period of this protein diet, the previous eating behavior changes completely, there is an understanding of which foods can and should be included in the diet and which ones should simply be avoided.
Protein foods and vegetables should be plentiful, but flour and sweets should be kept under special control. The main criteria that will help when breaking off the diet are: observing one protein day per week, eating three tablespoons of oat bran daily, walking and drinking adequate fluids, about 1. 5 liters of water.
The most remarkable thing about this diet is the fact that if you follow the 4 basic rules above, the pounds you lose won't come back. Another positive aspect of this protein diet for weight loss is that the menu for the week is designed independently, since there are no restrictions on the size of portions. Adherence to such a diet plan is quite easy and convenient, first of all, psychologically, and mathematical data will not be useful either.
Dukan's protein diet with a menu for a week: the first stage
3 days to choose from (with fish, seafood, poultry), since the length of the protein days depends on the amount of excess weight, everyone chooses the right menu for themselves and for the number of days they need:
- Fishes:
- 1. 5 tablespoons of oat bran + boiled egg without yolk + black coffee;
- fat-free yogurt;
- steamed mackerel;
- boiled eggs without yolks;
- steamed mackerel.
- Seafood:
- 1. 5 tablespoons oat bran + fat-free cottage cheese + black coffee;
- boiled eggs without yolks;
- cooked seafood;
- fat-free yogurt without additives;
- cooked seafood.
- Meat:
- 1. 5 tablespoons of oat bran + boiled eggs without yolks + black coffee;
- fat-free soft yoghurt;
- boiled chicken thigh;
- scrambled egg whites;
- beef steak.
second phase
Since the second stage will consist of alternating protein and protein-veg days, which are good for losing weight, this stage of the protein diet uses a two-day-per-week recurring menu.
Day |
breakfast |
snack |
dinner |
snack |
dinner |
protein |
2 tablespoons oat bran + whipped egg white omelette + black coffee with skim milk |
Natural fat-free yogurt with no additives |
Grilled chicken breast fillet |
Boiled egg without yolk |
Grilled chicken breast fillet |
protein vegetables |
2 tablespoons oat bran + spinach whipped egg white omelet + cinnamon black coffee |
Cucumber Celery Salad with Tofu |
Grilled cod fillet + steamed vegetables (zucchini, beans, broccoli) |
Carrot sticks + black coffee with skim milk |
Grilled cod fillet + steamed vegetables (zucchini, beans, broccoli) |
Third section
The alternation of protein and vegetable days stops at this stage and the meal plan becomes weekly again. Depending on the duration of the stage, the weeks are repeated cyclically: complete or incomplete, that is, if your stage is 10 days, the menu for the week is used, plus 3 days, if 20 days - 2 full weeks and one 6 days.
weekday |
breakfast |
snack |
dinner |
snack |
dinner |
Mon |
2. 5 tbsp oat bran + boiled eggs (possibly with yolk) + black coffee with skim milk |
Low-fat soft yogurt + apple |
Brown rice + chicken thighs + fresh vegetables (cucumber, celery) |
Carrot Sticks + Egg White Omelet + Black Coffee with Skimmed Milk |
Chicken thighs + steamed vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, zucchini, eggplant) |
Tue |
2. 5 tablespoons oat bran + egg white spinach omelet + black coffee with skim milk |
Pear with fat-free cottage cheese |
Beef steak + steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, carrots, beans) |
Boiled eggs with cucumber |
Beef steak + steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, carrots, beans) |
Marry |
2. 5 tablespoons oat bran + whipped egg white omelette + black coffee with skim milk |
Fat-free natural yoghurt without additives |
veal chop |
Boiled eggs without yolks |
veal chop |
Do. |
2. 5 tablespoons oat bran + spinach whipped egg white omelet + black coffee with skim milk |
Something tasty (optional) |
Smoked Halibut + Steamed Vegetables (Potatoes, Broccoli, Cabbage) |
Persimmon with coffee |
Smoked Halibut + Steamed Vegetables (Potatoes, Broccoli, Cabbage) |
Mrs. |
2. 5 tablespoons of oat bran + boiled eggs + black coffee with skim milk |
Low-fat soft cheese without additives |
Roast beef with steamed vegetables and noodles |
Apple |
Roast beef with steamed vegetables |
sat |
2. 5 tablespoons oat bran + egg white spinach omelet + black coffee with skim milk + a few slices of processed low-fat cheese |
Something tasty (optional) |
Red mullet + braised vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant) |
Carrot sticks + black coffee with skim milk |
Red mullet + braised vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant) |
Sun. |
2. 5 Tablespoons Oat Bran + Egg White Omelet with Steamed Vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, carrots) |
Apple + Grainy Cottage Cheese |
Turkey ham + brown rice + steamed vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, carrots, peppers, zucchini, eggplant) |
boiled eggs |
Turkey ham + steamed vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, carrots, peppers, zucchini, eggplant) |
fourth stage
The last stage is to finish the diet, observing certain rules. menu below.
weekday |
breakfast |
snack |
dinner |
snack |
dinner |
Mon |
3 tablespoons oat bran + egg white omelet with low-fat melted cheese chunks + black coffee with skim milk |
Apple + soft fat-free cottage cheese |
Warm salad with squid, mussels and prawns + brown rice |
Boiled eggs + carrot sticks + black coffee with skim milk |
Warm salad with squid, mussels and shrimp |
Tue |
3 tablespoons oat bran + grainy cinnamon cottage cheese + black coffee with skim milk |
Something tasty (optional) |
Turkey ham + steamed vegetables (potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant) |
Carrot sticks + celery sticks + black coffee with skim milk |
Turkey ham + steamed vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant) |
Marry |
3 tablespoons oat bran + whipped egg white omelette + black coffee with skim milk |
Soft low-fat yogurt |
beef steak |
Boiled eggs without yolks + black coffee with skimmed milk |
beef steak |
Do. |
3 tablespoons oat bran + whipped egg white omelet with spinach + black coffee with skim milk |
Something tasty (optional) |
Smoked salmon + steamed vegetables (potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, carrots) |
Carrot sticks with coffee |
Smoked salmon + steamed vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, carrots) |
Mrs. |
3 tablespoons oat bran + low-fat natural cinnamon yogurt + black coffee with skim milk |
boiled eggs |
Chicken wings + noodles + fresh vegetable salad (cucumber, celery) |
Carrot sticks + celery sticks + black coffee with skim milk |
Chicken wings + fresh vegetable salad (cucumber, celery) |
sat |
3 tablespoons oat bran + whipped egg white omelet with melted low-fat cheese slice + black coffee with skim milk |
Something tasty (optional) |
Grilled chicken breast + grilled vegetables (cucumber, pepper, potato) |
Pear + fat-free cottage cheese |
Grilled chicken breast + grilled vegetables (cucumber, peppers) |
Sun. |
3 tablespoons oat bran + egg white spinach omelet + black coffee with skim milk |
Apple |
Steamed Sea Bass + Brown Rice + Steamed Vegetables |
carrot sticks |
Steamed sea bass + steamed vegetables |
After a week of considering various options for protein diets, an approximate diet and allowed foods, it becomes clear that the main focus of the menu is the amount of protein consumed in relation to fats and carbohydrates. With such a diet, when protein-rich foods predominate, extra pounds go away quite well, but here one should not forget that nutrition accounts for 80% of success. Where's the other 20%?
"Helper" in losing weight
Among them:
- Of course thatSport in all its manifestations: physical education, swimming, running, walking in the park.
- Compliance with wakefulness and sleep. Sleeping 3-5 hours a day has become the norm for most people, everyone has long forgotten why sleep is so important and what happens to the body when it is lacking: metabolic slowdown, irritability, tendency to overeat and so on.
- Compliance with the drinking regime. Water is the key to a healthy body, all processes occurring in the body are directly related to it, water is an integral part of the process of losing weight.
- vitamins and minerals. An integral part of the weight loss process, since its use fills in the missing elements for the normal course of all processes in the body.

Let's take a closer look at the sport. For an optimal result, there is little "good behavior" in relation to nutrition. Yes, of course, the result will be very decent, but even if the weight is desired, sagging and sagging skin is unlikely to please anyone.
Sport is more than just burned calories, it puts you in a good mood, beautiful skin is tightened, it is a muscular relief that attracts the attention of others. Any physical activity disciplines well enough and has a positive effect on the entire organism.
As you can see, the protein menu for the week can be both varied and very scarce. This primarily depends on the type of diet chosen and the goals originally set.
So, now you know that there are enough options for a protein menu, and many experts are studying this topic and suggesting the most appropriate methods for losing weight. It is enough to take into account all those provided, then choose the right one and, after proper weighing, make the dream come true and get rid of those annoying extra pounds. If something is not clear during the process, you can always return to this material to find the answer to the question.